
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fresno July 12th: Services for David Denny Senior

As the Denny family knows, David Denny (Little David’s father, my great uncle) passed away on July 5th, 2012. Our family gathered for the services and memorial of this amazing father that Little David and Tracy loved and respected along with the many people in Fresno who loved this man. The black angus by the hotel was his spot to hang out and talk to people and many that have known him. Great Uncle David always had a strong family in Fresno and I think that is the most important thing that they were here to celebrate his life in the place he used to be. That is something beautiful in itself. He is survived by his two children David and Tracy who are such good people and with an amazing group of family and friends alike.

The services were absolutely beautiful. My auntie sang her heart out and so well that I cried both times during the services. My father was one of the pallbearers which made me both surprised and happy that he was given the honor and opportunity to really participate in this. I can’t say enough about the beauty of this service and the honors that were placed upon him. Since he served in the army, he was given his honors and salutes and the flag that was draped over his coffin was folded and given to Tracy and Little David. Tracy spoke in front of everyone and so did another member. The church was almost packed. It was so amazing to see everyone that cared for my great uncle even though I didn’t know him. Sometimes I wish I did know him a little bit.

After the services, we had the reception at Black Angus which was packed and it was just amazing. My great uncle had a plaque on the table where he sat as his normal seat for the last five years that he had been going there. That is one devoted man. All the family and friends talked and really just met and had fun. Once the drinks were flowing, it was even better and everyone just had an amazing time. It was the most amazing thing that I could experience with my family and I don’t regret any of the fun that I had with them. I loved hanging out with everyone and talking. I made new contacts with some family members that I didn’t know as well and reconnected with some members that I hadn’t seen in a while. I was glad that our family got together and we stood strong together no matter what. When it came to stepping up to the plate, I believe everyone did in their own way and that was good.

My offering of condolences to the immediate family:

Little David and Tracy, I am so proud of you both for being as strong as you can be through this really tough time. I want you to know that I care and love you two very much. I have but to offer my condolences for the loss of your father and though I did not know him well, I do believe he was something special to the family from the way that my father spoke of him through his stories. My sympathies are truly with you for at least you were there. Times will be difficult without him but I do believe that up there in heaven, he is watching over you and blessing your family as much as he can. Even with him gone, your strength of a family is still there and that is the best thing to maintain. Always keep the memory of him close to your heart and his wisdom and kindness will always still be there though physically he is not. 

Traveling to Fresno July 11th

The ride up to Fresno was quite entertaining when you are the only female with three males in the car. It’s quite well…I am not sure how to describe all the comments and sports related conversations that happened. I could say well part of it I spent bored and another part of it, I was not. We were up early (between 4am and 6am depending on who got up) and we left the house around 7pm. My mother although I know she wanted to be with us could not attend. The drive up was nice but at the same time tiring because well roadtrips are roadtrips. They aren’t my favorite way to travel but every now and then it was pretty good. We rented a GMC Terrain from Enterprise-Rent-a-Car to go up to Fresno with. I went with my father, uncle and brother on a 6.5 hour trip to Fresno.

Getting to the hotel was quick once we got off the freeway. We are staying the University Square Hotel and I have to say. It was really nice. The rooms are air conditioned well and the beds to me were comfortable enough for our stay. There were three restaurants within walking distance of the hotel: Marie Calendars, Black Angus & a Mexican restaurant. I thought that was awesome. We had gone to lunch with my Aunt Mimi, Uncle David, Little David, my dad, my brother myself and Tracy joined us a bit later. It was just nice for everyone to talk and communicate with each other.

Black Angus that night was just fun. Black Angus is literally in front of our room so we didn’t need to drive and the walk is really short so my father and I along with others decided to have drinks and have a good time in honor of Great Uncle David and we did. The family to me just seemed a bit more relaxed and everything went well. Overall, I enjoyed my day with everyone and I really liked being around the family a lot.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Traveling to Fresno:

Hello Everyone!
So recent changes and some sad news. Fresno was an add on only because a great uncle of mine passed away over 4th of July weekend. My father decided he wanted to go up for the services and there fore i am going to write about this trip with photos and all to show for it since i am going. I am only going to be up there a couple of days so i dont know how much i can really show for it but i will try.
  • Please keep watch as I will try to update with photos and pictures of the car ride up on thursday
  • The services and dedication to my great uncle on Friday 
  • Some final pictures and last words for Saturday. 
Please don't expect this to be completely happy and there may be some somber comments made on here. It is a funeral but I will still do my best to give some traveling experience even though it may not be much and it may be a lot of family pictures
Depending on time, the posts may go up while i am on the trip or not until i get back but i should get them up as soon as possible when i return home.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

2012 Poem

It took me some time to think about this but i decided that since i didnt get any responses, one popped up in my head.
Please enjoy the poem that i have come up with.

Realities of Life

No one said life was easy
They told me life was a bitch
Damn they were right
Challenges of our lives are something
We have to accept
We have to make ourselves better
No matter how harsh the criticism is
There can never be a perfect life
You will always find yourself with issues to face
Whether they are
Internal or External

2012 reflection

Sometimes I wondered if I had just decided to take another trip, if it would be worth it. Maybe yes, maybe no. Who knows honestly? This semester though, things began to hit home more than I thought they would and a lot of it began over the summer when I realized that I was not on the trip anymore. I began to feel restless, I didn’t feel like being home anymore. I wanted to be away from my parents. Even at some points seemed like I knew nothing. It was hard for me and my family didn’t make it so easy for me to acclimate as well back into normal life. I did at many points feel like I had actually moved out of the home but I never did. I even get treated as almost in a sense an outsider in my home.  I didn’t expect it to be easy but at some points I felt left out. A lot happened while I was gone so coming back was very bittersweet because I was leaving the exciting and changing ship I had come to love to come home and face realities that I well….I wasn’t sure if I was ready to face them or not.
Going back to USD was harder. Most of my friends are now in their final year or already gone and I just looked around like, Now I am being left behind. Things happen and people changed like you did. It’s just the sad reality of things in this world. People change. At first it was difficult but now I can accept it and its ok now. Things are what they are for a reason. I began actually to find though that I was actually more mature and more prepared to actually go through Accounting Recruitment and interviews and try to get a position and so far it is going better than Fall of 2011. I felt like I was doing more with myself and preparing myself so much better than the first time. I even got first and second round interviews with a company that I was interested in. I didn’t get the internship but I take it as a good experience to interview for the firms. Maybe there is a benefit to taking a 5th year in college and it did a lot to help me boost my maturity and thought process. It even got me chances to interview with internships that I otherwise probably would not have gotten. I also felt like I was maturely more prepared to handle things than some of my friends who just wanted to get out in four years. Some of them forgot that sometimes a 5th year can help you out a bit to be ready to jump into the job world. I find it gives you time to really know yourself if you aren’t sure where you are going in life.
The hardest part of the fall semester was finally putting some closure on the passing of my grandmother. She passed away while I was in the Bahamas and we were finally able to scatter her ashes in October out in Santa Cruz. It was very difficult for me to finally say good bye and put to rest what had been simmering for over 9 months in my heart. I know though that she is resting now. This semester has been very challenging to me with the deaths of many around me. Just recently, I discovered that my mentor’s husband has passed away and it made me cry for just a moment because people would not tell me. I digress however from that because it is not the point of my reflection.
I found myself spending my semester becoming involved as a Semester at Sea Alumni to push Semester at Sea more and now it is one of the most popular programs at USD if the not the most popular. Most people had not heard of it before I left and now it’s being talked about a lot which makes me so happy and yet I miss it more at the same time. I see a few of my USD friends from the ship and we have now connected and bonded more since we are accounting majors trying to make it through USD. It was a different semester overall and I just miss the ship a lot. The spring semester was really hard because every day I was missing the ship and wanting to get back on it and travel the world again.
I miss doing the hands on work for classes, not being connected to a cellphone. I just can go out and talk to people and not have to be with my cellphone at any point. It was probably the most critical point of me being on the trip. I didn’t need a cellphone and I couldn’t believe how relaxed I was without the cellphone. I never worried about it and I almost never looked at that. I think that is the one thing that I miss the most. I could just go to people and simply talk to them and not worry that my cellphone was going off for no reason or another.
The country I miss the most right now is Singapore because I had the most fun getting lost in Singapore and finding some fun places to go hang out at. I think I had the best experience then because I could just try to figure out where I was and enjoy the moment that I was getting lost at. I also loved the surrounding area and the way that people there. I don’t know why but I seemed to feel at home there and I really liked it a lot. It was always will have a place in my heart. I do want to go back there someday and maybe get my masters there or work there for a while. I really like Singapore a lot.
I think in the end though, what you do with everything you learn and deal with makes you who you are today and while I have changed in ways that I wouldn't otherwise imagine, I find myself loving life just a little bit more.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Some Changes have happened!

For those who saw the former message posted, I am going to continue on here and on my wordpress account. Things were super busy with school and preparation for full time recruitment in the accounting world. For all those wondering where i was, I am attending University of San Diego and I am going to Graduate in May of 2014  (next year!!) Please Stay posted with me and I hope that you will continue to read what i have.
My traveling is not over yet as i have some amazing surprises to give to my fans and the readers of this blog.
I am so excited to announce this!

Additionally Fresno, California has been added due to a funeral and i will try to write about it. Please bear with me on this one.

Royal Carribean Cruise: June 2014
Will give you an Itinerary Later

Links to my Wordpress: (If you want things in more orderly fashion :)

Traveling Denny Child on Wordpress

AQMiren Stories

email me!!!