
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Next Stop Brazil (Hagan's Class)


Hello Mrs. Hagan's class!

My next port of call is Brazil and we will be docking in the port of Manaus which is about half way up the amazon river. A few tidbits about the Amazon river. It can actually hold all the water from the rivers in the world such as the Mississippi River, the Yangtze River and even the Nile river and still have extra left over. The Amazon is one very large rainforest that many indigenous peoples in the region depend on for their way of life and support. Here are a couple maps below.

Here is the main map of Brazil:

This is the area we will be at in the northern half of Brazil:

I will have a lot more tidbits and information for you later after I finish the rest of my class on brazil. I will be trying a lot of food while here so I will try to put up what I did for everyday that I am there. I did read the comment about why I took the whale watching trip in Dominica and all I can answer is

1.       The MV Explorer is a ship not a boat

2.       Who wouldn't go whale and dolphin watching in Dominica because the ocean is so blue and awesome!

3.       Though I didn't see any marine life, it was actually fun and I got nice views of the island and the ocean around. Background pictures!

Besides, you will be more excited to know that I will be seeing a lot of animals and will post a blog on that really soon. Enjoy! Keep emailing me and leaving comments. I am excited to see that there are so many views for my blog! I love to hear from the class! Classes are going fine and I since I have limited internet access, I can't put up videos for you all! Sorry! I will try to put up as many pictures as possible. Please email me if the pictures don't show so I can take care of that immediately.  If you have any fun ideas for China and Japan please email them to me as I plan to pretty much travel both of them on my own with a few required FDPs (Faculty Direct Practica) for my classes.


  1. 11 people thought interesting and 12 thought cool. Devin is Japanese and Chinese so he is so excited and happy about your trip.In Brazil do they speak French? Samantha thinks Brazil would be cool. She and Catrina are giving a talk on Brazil in a few weeks.Heather's interested in the animal life of Brazil. Deven wonders if the sharks are following your ship. When you get to China are you going on any junks? Once again, "You are RAWESOME and RAMAZing," said Julia and Jessica. We love your blogs!

  2. Most in Brazil speak Portuguese especially in Manaus. I hope the talk on brazil will be interesting! Video tape it for me so i can watch while i am abroad! You'll be happy to know that i am actually going into the amazon for two days and i will get back to you with all the pictures of the animals that i can get with my camera and my friend's camera. I have been trying to see if i can get a picture of a shark but would probably be more lucky in finding a better surprise for you. I will let you know about China because i did not schedule much there other than some required trips for my classes. Keep you posted! Email me! You are awesome too!
