
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Some Changes have happened!

For those who saw the former message posted, I am going to continue on here and on my wordpress account. Things were super busy with school and preparation for full time recruitment in the accounting world. For all those wondering where i was, I am attending University of San Diego and I am going to Graduate in May of 2014  (next year!!) Please Stay posted with me and I hope that you will continue to read what i have.
My traveling is not over yet as i have some amazing surprises to give to my fans and the readers of this blog.
I am so excited to announce this!

Additionally Fresno, California has been added due to a funeral and i will try to write about it. Please bear with me on this one.

Royal Carribean Cruise: June 2014
Will give you an Itinerary Later

Links to my Wordpress: (If you want things in more orderly fashion :)

Traveling Denny Child on Wordpress

AQMiren Stories

email me!!!