
Friday, May 4, 2012

What is officially in the works of being published

Hello everyone!
I am home safely in San Diego and re united with my family now. Things have been a little crazy and i wanted to make a few announcements about pieces that are in the works.
  • Favorite Pics section
  • Vietnam War Piece 
  • ON BOARD THE MV EXPLORER PICS (sneak peak into life on board)
  • Reflection on the experience fresh off the mind
  • End of 2012 Reflection Piece : Realities hit hard and Returning back to life at the University (After Finals
  • A Final Poem to tie this all up
I know this is a lot to do plus i am doing other side projects a job and so much more but i intend to get a lot of this done before fall with the exception of the end of 2012 one and the poem which will be completed after christmas this year assuming 2012 doesnt come to an end but whatever! Please continue to read my blogs and hopefully you will encourage others or go yourself to SAS.
I thank everyone for all the support and leaving comments and keep looking forward to my newest releases! My traveling doesn't end. I will continue to document my travels like my trip to Northern California in October and others. I will continue to post things up about it. Also i have my stories that i still continue to write. Please read those too! :)

1 comment:

  1. ongmaui47room18May 05, 2012

    hi miranda!!!!!,

    This is maui from mrs hagans class we were wondering wwhen can u come 2 our class and tell us about ur trip. Thats all byyyye

